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Project Profiles


Here are some of the projects Jocelyn has been engaged to do over the years. For more information about the organisations worked for or the projects completed, please either visit the linked sites or contact Jocelyn.

Curriculum and Asessment

From 2003 until 2006, Jocelyn was the Geography representative on curriculum development panel drafting the Social Sciences Learning Area for the 2007 NZ Curriculum document. She was also a member of the team tasked with developing Education for Sustainability Achievement Standards for Levels 2 and 3 until their completion in 2009. Jocelyn has since facilitated a number of professional development workshops for teachers interested in incorporating these standards into their learning programmes.

Untouched World Foundation

Since 2005 Jocelyn has facilitated week long immersion programmes for the Trust. These are designed for  students aged 15-24 and take them deeply into 'wicked' issues of today's world. 

More on the work Jocelyn undertakes for the UWCT can be found here.

"All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume." 

Noam Chomsky

Future Living Skills

 Jocelyn is  a tutor for this adult education programme, which is run nationally by the Sustainable Living Trust. She has also been contracted at different times to update Sustainable Living resources or adapt them for use in secondary schools.

This programme is also known as Future Living Skills.

Department of Conservation

Jocelyn developed a number of learning activities and assessment tasks targeted at senior Geography for the Aoraki and Waitaki Regional offices. 

Other Projects

Jocelyn has convened two major educational conferences. She enjoys bringing together educators around a theme or kaupapa so they can share stories and knowledge.

  • Social Science Conference [SocCon'09] Christchurch 27-30 Sept.'09 held in the now demolished Hotel Grand Chancellor

  • NZAEE Conference, Jan 2014, University of Canterbury, Christchurch

Jocelyn has also written resources and developed learning activities for EONZ, Cognition, Core, and Orton Bradley Park. She has also reviewed assessments for Ara Polytech's Outdoor Education & Sustainability Level 2/3 NCEA courses. 

She has been adding to a wiki about EfS over time.

“A sustainability revolution requires each person to act as a learning leader at some level, from family to community to nation to the world.”      Donatella Meadows

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."             Mohandas K. Gandhi


Need to discuss a contract with Sustain-Ed. Please use the details below.​

Jocelyn Papprill

Ph: 03 260 1803

M: 027 222 0395

E: jyc497 (at)


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