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Inspiring Youth

The Untouched World Foundation has run a number of transformational programmes for youth around Aotearoa-NZ since 2003.  The Trust was originally set up to support students going to Blumine Island in the Marlborough Sounds but there was obvious potential to grow the vision further.


Jocelyn has been the lead facilitator for three projects.

The Tiromoana Project: Youth Leadership for a Sustainable Future was one of them.  She developed the programme while on a RSNZ Teacher Fellowship in 2005 and facilitated ten camps until the earthquake of February 2011 put paid to the venues  used for this Christchurch-based programme. This programme enabaled participants to investigate sustainability through the issues of consumerism and waste.


The Rowi Kiwi Forever one, based in Okarito, began in December 2009 but is on hold presently . It is run in partnership with the Department of Conservation, Te Runanga o Makaawhio and the community of Okarito. Jocelyn facilitated the first two camps and delighted in the opportunity to help save the Rowi kiwi alongside some awesome young people.


Waterwise: Te Waihora  based at the marae at Taumutu, was established in 2013 in partnership with Environment Canterbury and Ngati Moki.   The focus is on the issues faced within the Selwyn-Waihora Zone of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy, and aims to expose the young particpants to the complexity of the issues and of the collaborative process.


All Untouched World Charitable Trust programmes aim to develop knowledge, understandings and leadership skills in the young people involved. The programmes are premised on the belief that we each have ideas and insights to bring to problem solving around issues and that together we can make a difference. We value the the input from all involved; we don't aim to brainwash or 'greenwash' participants but we do ask that everyone approach the discussions and experiences with open minds.

By investigating the issues in depth, engaging head, heart and hands, the intention is that we can all develop a greater understanding, and appreciation, of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all aspects of life. This, in essence, is what sustainability is about.


Need to discuss a contract with Sustain-Ed. Please use the details below.​

Jocelyn Papprill

Ph: 03 260 1803

M: 027 222 0395

E: jyc497 (at)


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