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Worth Checking Out

There are so many inspirational people and projects happening locally and globally that foster sustainability that it is hard to know which to profile.  I enjoy reading and have been delving into the theme of sustainability for some time; most listed are non-fiction but some are a fictional take on environmental and societal issues.  I also use a number of DVDs, You Tube clips and web animations in my learning programmes; I have listed some of my recommendations below. Through my travels I have come across inspiring projects. I also cogitate on sustainability issues in my wiki/blog.

Thinking EfS

My wiki on EfS - check out my thoughts and writing on this area.

“Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, it's unlikely you will step up and take responsibility for making it so.”

-Noam Chomsky

Good reading

There's some really useful books useful for people keen to foster sustainability

Places & Travel
DVDs, YouTube, Animations, Podcasts

Need to discuss a contract with Sustain-Ed. Please use the details below.​

Jocelyn Papprill

Ph: 03 260 1803

M: 027 222 0395

E: jyc497 (at)


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There are heaps of other people and groups sharing a similar philosophy. Link to them here.


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